Is it the worst time ever to become a commercial pilot?

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Your teenager is telling you he wants to study to become a commercial pilot and you think this is the worst timing ever? Let me tell you why you might be wrong and why it might be the best time EVER!

We might be in a pandemic situation that has put the airline industry on pause, the aviation sector has still a very positive outlook and needs to make sure the temporary oversupply in pilots will not lead to a shortage within a few years…

Covid-19 and 9/11 the resilience of the airline industry

Covid-19 is definitely the “black Swann” of the airline industry : an event that comes has a surprise, has a major effect, and has a very low probability of occurrence.

Before the pandemic we were already seeing a shortage of qualified pilots mainly for 3 reasons :

  • the global economic growth,
  • the rapid increase in air travel,
  • the contingent of pilots approaching mandatory retirement age.

We might currently be in a situation where there is an oversupply, the airline industry has also learned from its past mistakes. After 9/11 and the economic downturn all major airlines stopped recruiting new pilots. A situation that led to a shortage : it takes a minimum of 2 years for a pilot to qualify…

The perpetual need to build a steady supply

Right in the middle of the pandemic crisis the aviation industry is still looking ahead. Major airlines are aware they need to start training now to be ready when the industry enters recovery…

In its last study Boeing is estimating over 600k new commercial pilots demand for the next 20 years despite the recent downturn! Half of this figure would feed airlines based in North-America, Europe and the middle-east.

Its main competitor Airbus believes the new A220 aircraft will represent 76% of the deliveries going forward...

Fresh blood is highly needed to pilot all these aircrafts! Major airlines know it better than anyone else, even in downturn training is critical...

The shift in training

An airline company does not only need to qualify fresh blood continuously to manage its long term staff seniority, it also needs to constantly manage its fleets growth… There has been a constant shift in how training is conducted, but going forward, computed based training might gain more importance than ever. Online and virtual formats are adopted each time it is possible… The training industry is constantly looking for innovative solutions and the Airbus Pilots Study Notes are the best tool to maintain a pilots knowledge to its highest standards.

As soon as traffic goes back to normal, thousands of pilots currently inactive will have to go through flight simulators, medical check, and various other in-house procedures. Whether you are a wannabe pilot or confirmed captain the disruptive format of the Airbus Pilot Study Notes will be your secret weapon to become a better Airbus pilot.


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