These Study Notes cover all major Airbus A330 Emergency and Abnormal Procedures you need to know to become and stay proficient!
They will be very useful for your initial/recurrent or upgrade training. They will also satisfy curious aviation enthusiasts!

These Study Notes include a review of the Airbus Abnormal Situations Handling procedure, the Emergency Electrical Configuration procedure, the G+Y System Low-Pressure procedure, the G+B System Low-Pressure procedure, the All Engines Failure procedure, the Emergency Landing procedure, the Rejected Takeoff procedure, the Emergency Evacuation procedure, the Smoke / Fumes / Avionics Smoke procedure, and all Memory Items.
These Study Notes review for each Procedure:
- Abnormal Procedure Technical Background:

Abnormal procedure detection, and pilot first actions:

- ECAM actions and Status Page for each abnormal checklist with the key points highlighted:

- Any other Procedure-related information, like QRH Summary, Remaining System list, etc:

These Study Notes also include all A320 Memory Items and review
- General Memory Item techniques (when to apply it and how to apply it):

- Captain and First Officer Memory Item actions flow:

- And Memory Item related System knowledge.

Handling of Abnormal Situation
Procedure Design / Tasksharing Rules and Communication / Management of Abnormal Operations / Memory Items: Detection and List / Sensed Procedure: ECAM: Detection, Procedure, System Display, Status / NOT Sensed Procedure: Detection and List / Situation Assessment and Decision
Emergency Elec Configuration
Technical Background / Detection / ECAM Actions / Status Analysis / ELEC EMER CONFIG Summary
G+Y System Low Pressure
Technical Background / Detection / ECAM Actions / Status Analysis / Remaining Systems in Cruise and for Approach and Landing / HYD G+Y SYS LO PR Summary
G+B System Low Pressure
Technical Background / Detection / ECAM Actions / Status Analysis / Remaining Systems in Cruise and for Approach and Landing / HYD G+B SYS LO PR Summary
All Engines Failure / Emergency Landing
Technical Background / Detection / ECAM Actions / ALL ENG FAIL QRH Procedure / EMER LANDING QRH Procedure
Rejected Takeoff
General / Decision Management / Tasksharing / Actions Flow / List of non inhibited failure
Emergency Evacuation
Decision Making / EMER EVAC QRH Procedure / Procedure Tasksharing / Procedure Flow
Smoke / Fumes / Avionics Smoke
Detection / QRH Procedure
Use of QRH Summaries
Use of QRH Summaries / ELEC EMER CONFIG Summary / HYD G+B SYS LO PR Summary / HYD G+Y SYS LO PR Summary / HYD B+Y SYS LO PR Summary
Loss of Braking
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
Emergency Descent
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
Stall Recovery
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / Protections against Stall
Stall Warning at Liftoff
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows
Unreliable Speed Indication
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Logic Review
GPWS / EGPWS Warning
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
GPWS / EGPWS Cautions
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
TCAS Warnings (with and without APFD TCAS)
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
Reactive Windshear Warning
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
Predictive Windshear Warning
General / Procedure / Captain & First Officer Flows / System Review
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